About the conference
Key dates
This conference will address the challenges to sustainable tourism development in transition economies with special references to Russia. It is organized as part of an EU-funded project called NETOUR (www.netour.eu), Network for Excellence in Tourism through Organizations and Universities in Russia.
Conference Co-Chairs:
PhD. Lidia Andrades, Netour coordinator, University of Extremadura, Spain.
Prof. Galina Romanova, Rector, Sochi State University, Russia.
PhD. Esteban Pérez Calderón, Vice-dean at the Tourism Faculty, University of Extremadura, Spain.
Objectives of the Conference
Conference conveners invite researchers and practitioners to share their research, expertise, and perspectives in order to shed more light upon the issues that countries with a transition economy face in the context of tourism. This is an opportunity to explore the internal and external factors that facilitate or constrain the sustainable development of tourism. We would like contributions that address public sector and policy making, private business and entrepreneurship, as well as education and training. The conference aims at understanding how innovation and activities in these sectors all combine and contribute to achieve tourism destination competitiveness and productivity, either at the national or regional level. The conference will be designed to facilitate exchange and discussions. Conference presentations will therefore be kept short and moderators will encourage active participation by attendees and discussion with presenters.
Contributions in English and Spanish are welcomed to participate!
Conference Academic Program Co-Chairs, English-Speaking Chapter:
Prof. Frederic Dimanche, Ph.D., SKEMA Business School, France
Lidia Andrades Caldito, Ph.D., NETOUR coordinator and Professor, University of Extremadura, Spain
Conference Academic Program Co-Chairs, Spanish-Speaking Chapter:
Juan Ignacio Pulido Férnandez, PhD., Director of LaInnTur (Laboratory of Analysis and Innovation in Tourism), University of Jaén, Spain.
Lidia Andrades Caldito, Ph.D., NETOUR coordinator and Professor, University of Extremadura, Spain.
Conference Industry Track Coordinators:
Dr. Andrey Apukhtin, Sochi State University, Russia.
Dr. Yuri Ivanov, St Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia.
David Ward-Perkins, SKEMA Business School, France.
Jorge Manuel Prieto Ballester, University of Extremadura, Spain.
For further information, please contact conference@netour.edu
We look forward to seeing you in Cáceres!
09:00 Fecha de inicio
20:00 Fecha de fin
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